Aventior | Vehicle Detection (ESRI Release)

Esri Support Services
Formed in 2016, Aventior and its founders have been strategic implementation partners for small and large enterprises. A global presence to tap into both matured and developing markets with round-the-clock execution capabilities. Our team brings a well-rounded cross-industry and
multi-client perspective, with a strategy grounded in design, implementation, and innovation. Aventior is a technology consulting firm assisting its clients on their Digital Transformation journey with a primary focus on building Digital, Cloud and AI, and GIS solutions that significantly improve their business outcomes.
Since 2016, Aventior has been providing top-notch geospatial intelligence services, computer vision, and deep learning solutions to a wide variety of clientele across the globe. Aventior solutions aim at monitoring urban planning and monitoring, infrastructure change detection, vehicle detection and count, traffic management, intelligence & reconnaissance, and map open\spaces. Our standard services include:
(1) GIS Support Services
(2) Enterprise GIS Software Development and Training
(3) GIS Data Management
(4) Deep Learning Solution through ArcGIS Online
(5) Enterprise GIS Monitoring
For more information on our service offerings contact us at sia@aventior.com
ArcGIS Pro Managed Services
Vehicle Detection in satellite imagery
What is this for?
The Vehicle detection deep learning model is developed to detect vehicles. While it’s designed to work in the continental US, the model is seen to perform fairly well in other parts of the world. The results can be used for a variety of purposes, including base map preparation, humanitarian aid, disaster management, and transportation planning. Applications range from taxation, urban planning, public works, visualization, simulation to a wide range of suitability analysis applications.
Sample Detections
This model has a good performing capability with high-resolution imagery(30 cm).
Licensing requirement
The model can be downloaded by anyone who has an ArcGIS Online
subscription. The following licenses are required to consume or run the
Desktop workflows — Image Analyst Extension for ArcGIS Pro.
Using the model
The model can be used with the Detect Objects Using Deep Learning tool. A
detailed tutorial on using the model in ArcGIS can be found.
For a deep learning model file and detailed tutorial on using the model please contact us at info@aventior.com.
Originally published at https://aventior.com.